Attacking Guide
In order to succeed in the game you will need to attack players. There are
several reasons why you would attack a player. If a player has a high net worth
it will indicate they are holding cash or drugs, so you may want to attack then
to steal their cash or drugs. You may want to attack someone in revenge for an
earlier attack they have done on you or one of your cartel members. You may wish
to attack a player in order to steal their rides of whores also. And you can
also attack a players brothels or coffee shops in order to steal drugs or cash.
Some players also attack players with more thugs than themselves in order to
kill of some thugs so they can lower their net worth and attack a player lower
down in the ranks. You can only attack players in a certain range, you can
attack any player that has a net worth between half your net worth, and double
your net worth. i.e. if your net worth was $100million, you could attack someone
with a net worth of $50-$200.
The guns you are packing makes a huge difference on the outcome of an
attack. You can purchase glocks uzi's and ak's. To have the best outcome in an
attack you need to be packing 100% ak's. and for the worst you would have 100%
glocks. Uzi's have their place somewhere in the middle.
Here is each of the weapons firing capacity :
glocks - 2 bullets
uzi's - 25 bullets
ak's - 45 bullets
As you can see the ak's will make your attack's a lot more effective. Here is
a breakdown of the different type of attacks you can use on another player:
Drive By Shooting : Using this attack is the most effective way
to kill of a large amount of a players thugs. In some cases you can kill of all
of a players thugs in one attack, or if you attack someone with more thugs than
you, you can end up killing all of your thugs in one attack too. To use this
type of attack, you will need to have 1 vehicle for every 5 thugs you wish to
send on the attack. So if sending 100,000 thugs on an attack, you will need to
have 20,000 vehicles. When using a drive by shooting you need to take into
consideration how many cartel thugs the player you are attacking has, and make
sure that your thugs equal more than their thugs and their cartel thugs added
together in order to win the attack.
Home Invasion : This type of attack is generally used to steal
cash that a player might be holding and can also be used to kill players that
have large amounts of cartel thugs, as you would loose the attack with a drive
by. Players tend to use home invasions to take cash from other players they have
seen receiving large amounts of cash through the market, so you need to be
prepared when receiving cash through the market, and also need to prepare to
take cash from other players. The home invasion is a great way to gain sums of
cash, and also setback another player.
Raid Drugs Labs : This attack is in many ways the same as a home
invasion, you kill of some of the players thugs, like the home invasion, if you
win the attack you will steal some of the drugs that are being held by the
player instead of taking cash like in a home invasion. Raiding drugs labs is used
when you notice that a players net worth is a lot higher than it should be. If
you have already tried a home invasion on a player, and received little cash
then it is logical to think that the excess on their net worth must be due to
them holding drugs not cash. This attack is used to gain yourself some extra
drugs and to kill of some of a players thugs.
Steal Whores : In order to steal a players whores, you will
first need to kill of their thugs using a drive by shooting, home invasion, or
by raiding their drug labs. You can then send either coke or heroin in order to
try and steal a players hoes. The amount of hoes you steal on each attack will
depend on how many hoes the person you are attacking has, and also how much coke
or heroin you are sending in each attack. If you send large amounts of coke or
heroin in an attack, you sometimes will kill some or all of a players
whores, sometimes this can happen by accident, and sometimes this attack is
don't deliberate to destroy a players main source of income, their hoes. When
large amounts of drugs are sent to kill a players whores it is called a
Jack Vehicles : Similarly to stealing whores, in order to steal
someone's vehicles you will need to kill of all of their thugs before you can
steal their rides. For every ride you wish to steal from a player you will need
a thug to bring it back for you. i.e. if you wish to steal 10000 rides from a
player you will need to sell 10000 of your own thugs in 2500 of your own rides.
Brothel Invasions : This type of attack is used to gain cash
that a player might be holding in his/her brothel and also to kill some of a
players thugs, and some of the
whores that a player has in his/ her brothel. Like a drive by shooting you will
need to have 1 ride for every 5 thugs you wish to send on a brothel invasion.
You then get the choice of which brothel you wish to attack, you must choose a
brothel and the amount of thugs to send on an attack. This attack is a good way to receive
large amounts of cash. A wise player will use this attack when they notice
another player using their turns, as brothels only generate cash when using
turns. Cash can also be stored in brothels, so you may find cash in a players
brothel even when they are offline.
Rob Coffee Shop : Like the brothel invasion, you will need 1
ride for every five thugs you wish to send on the attack. This attack is used to
steal drugs from another player that they might be holding in one of their
coffee shops, and also any cash they might be holding in their coffee shop. Like
the brothel invasion you will need to choose which of the players coffee shops
you would like to attack, and also how many thugs to send on the attack.
Defending yourself Against Others : There are several reasons
why another player will attack you. If your net worth is too high, someone might
attack you to take your cash or drugs, someone might attack you in revenge for
an earlier attack you did on them, or they might wish to steal your rides or
whores. The best way you can defend yourself against any of these attacks from
other players is by packing 100% ak's. You must try always not to make yourself
vulnerable for an attack. You can do this by making sure you don't have a high
net worth, and if you are holding large amounts of whores, make sure that you
have large amounts of thugs too. A good way to protect your whores from getting
stolen is to raise the prostitute payout to 100% while you are not using turns,
and hold a lot of condoms, this way, even if you get attacked and have
little thugs, your whores will still be happy, whereas they would not be if your
cut was at 1%. You must remember to lower the payout when using turns though.